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Press about PicaJet Photo Organizer

Connected Home Media
October 13, 2004  |  Jason Bovberg



PicaJet Provides Easy Organization of Digital Images

Most camera owners aren't high-tech pros, so they need a program that performs all photo-related tasks for them. Ideally, you'd like to connect your camera to your PC and have software automatically import images so that you can name, rate, and describe the photos. Later, if you need to find an image, you'd be able to use a built-in search engine to sort images by ratings or dates. That's the kind of capability you need, particularly if your images number in the hundreds or thousands.

PicaJet announced PicaJet 2.2, a photo organizer for digital camera owners. The product's main features are direct import from camera, one-click image sharing, automatic photo enhancement, easy search capability, built-in photo-album functionality, and one-click printing. The software also offers a built-in auto-improvement feature that makes your pictures look sharper and glitch-free. But the original image is never replaced, so it can't be lost or damaged.

The program has a one-click image sharing option (via email), a duplicate finder, and a photo album with dozens of themes. You can create slide shows and Web galleries.

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Keywords: Photo-Album-Software, Photo-Organizing-Software, Best-Photo-Slideshow-Software, Digitalfoto-Software, Digitalfoto-Organizer, Fotoverwaltungsprogramm, Bilgbetrachtungsprogramm, Fotoalbumprogramm, Fotogalerieprogramm, Bildergalerieprogramm, Fotoverwalter, Bilddatenbank, Bildverwaltung Software, Foto-Verwaltung, Fotoverwaltung-Software, Digitalfotoalbum-Software, digital fotografie