Digital photographers can save themselves work in the digital darkroom when processing their photos simply by using the right software for the job. A long days shooting has the potential of meaning hours of work more in the digital photography darkroom, our computer. Hundreds of photographs taken in the day mean hundreds of photographs that need to be downloaded into our computer, processed, tagged and sorted to files.
RoboImport and PicaJet automates this task for the digital photographer giving back to photographers more time to enjoy the art we love most, capturing our world with the lens.
There are many things we could be doing on location that will save us time away from shooting, but most importantly there are things we should be doing that may even save us days of work that would be best spent photographing. The truth is that good organization and a smooth work flow is the key to optimizing time management.
Simply by using a professional powerful camera downloader like RoboImport at the end of a days’ shooting, you will streamline your digital imaging workflow having the potential to save you hours. Roboimport may be configured to automatically detect your cameras connection, read and transfer files while you grab a soda. Certainly there is far more work involved in correctly processing digital photographs than getting them out of the camera and onto the computer. RoboImport will created the files and even rename your photographs according to your specifications. Further RoboImport will automatically rotate your photographs and correct resolution where required. RoboImport even add IPTC copyright and image subject information to the photographs during the transfer process.
Professional photographers do much more than take great pictures. The work volume involved in ensuring your photographs are adequately labeled and sorted is really not fair. Clients don’t appreciate the work involved, and certainly the end price of our images rarely reflect efforts required. Professional photographers simply cannot skimp on quality to make time, the competition doesn’t allow for second class work. The hours spent working is more like giving something for nothing, except that loving what we do, and being passionate about the photographs we take is compensation for this.
The right software programs do give professional photographers the best of both worlds by picking up the desktop workflow giving us more time to spend taking photos.
More work can also be saved for the digital photographer by having an effective well organized image database. Picajet FX is the ideal program for this task. PicaJet gives you control of the organization of your photographs and allows for images to be stored in multiple categories making it fast and easy when searching your images for the one you need. By taking advantage of OpenGL graphics acceleration the speed that Picajet performs this task is incredible.
By saving you time automatically importing metadata information and existing folder names to create categories PicaJet removes the work for photographers from the expression workflow. Certainly the work is being seen to without the photographer actually having to do it. You might even come to think of PicaJet fondly as your free employee.
PicaJet might work fast, but there are those times when the work is fairly extensive, you might have a lot of images that need resizing or image file types that need converting. Picajet does this also, in batches. Picajet has the ability of almost instantly processing hundreds of images, a chore that would take perhaps days of work without.
Photographers have better things to do than working. The right digital image management software, photo organizer and digital camera downloader will give you back your time for doing what you really want to be doing, taking great photographs.
Keywords: IPTC copyright, digital image management software, photo database, image database, photo cataloging software, image organizing program, photo organizer, digital photo album software, picture database, image viewer, photo gallery software, batch IPTC editor, red-eye reduction